Ok – so now it’s time for some translucence to my fans. I’ve tried to do my best to always be honest with you about my life and world whether you care or not. I find it to be kinda cathartic, and I try not to be whiny… so now I get to talk about the good and the bad.

The good is that CTCON made me happy. It made me love IHL again in a strange sort of way. I have bene recently working on not one, but TWO new books for IHL. One about the world’s favorite green elder god, the other is a new idea that might turn into a legit IHL series in the future. I’m not claiming these things are going to be done next week, but I am telling you that I am working on new projects that are IHL related.

During CTCON, the opportunity appeared for me to possibly go to 2010 San Diego Comic Con. Again, it’s not definite, but it is a possibility that I am exploring VERY seriously. I’ve never done a west coast show as an exhibitor, and to go and make that debut at San Diego… would be epic. Majorly epic.

So this past week I’ve reconnected with my t-shirt vendor. I’ve found a new publisher for my books. I’ve started some major leg work on making this San Diego thing happen.

Here’s where it gets a bit ‘pitchy’. I’m not going to be able to do it alone. After I have validation that this San Diego plan is moving forward seriously, I’ll release more details. The idea though is to have a very serious 10 month donation drive. I won’t beg or anything, but I’ll add the little meter on the site to tell you where we are at and what it’ll get you. Free desktops.. more online content… hell, I’m even rolling around an idea for a spin-off strip. I’m willing to do all of that for you guys if when the time comes, you help me get to California next year.

No matter how much certain aspects of my life aren’t fulfilling, I have a new passion for making comics.

What do you all think? I’m not asking if or how much you will or can donate right now. I’m just wondering what you think of the idea?