I’m not apologizing for this strip, I found it really funny.
Anyway, it’s hard to squeeze huge laughs out of a day that is roughly 3 gabillion degrees.
Also, Nikki, my sister whom I never see due to her living in Canadia is here!
That having all been said in defense of this strip.. I’m not apologizing for it 🙂
Much love on a melty weekend,
This is lame as a repeat. Then again, this will be hilarious if you do it for strip No. 487. I dare you.
Poor God he’s losing his mind. Devil will have a field day with this
I am heart broken because there’s not shout out for my 21st birthday. Is it cause I didn’t drunk-text you last night?! Haha.
Hehehe, the zot sound effect is great, reminds me of Pinky and the Brain.
Canadia ? Geez, that must really be faraway !
Screw the non-believers – I dig this gag, even as a repeat. And that’s not just the honorable mention talking. 😉
I literally LOL’d at this one.
The repeat was dead-on funny!
I almost thought mi Internet was failing… jajaja didn´t God was supposed to know everything?
deja vu… deja vu all over again!