If you are reading this – then I’m in Pittsburgh.
Sunday strip will be a bit late, but it will appear – promise.
I highly recommend while you wait patiently for me to return with the ‘I LOVE CONVENTIONS’ or ‘I HATE CONVENTIONS’ post that tends to follow after I go to shows, go over to BIG KEV’S GEEK STUFF! and listen as I’m the special guest and get to goof off with the guys. I want to thank Kev and OG for having me on, and I look forward to hanging with them again.
I now have to go get ready for the convention… do you know how hard it is to pack when you know you are going to be seeing Danielle Corsetto? It’s insane.. the key is to get large chunks of meat and hang them on fishing poles so you can motivate her to move around the convention hall instead of sitting in her own filth. Mostly we do that so we can clean her with a rag on a stick. It’s disgusting, but we do what we must because we love.
We’ll see you on Sunday..ish.
PS – Let me repeat that all jokes aimed towards Miss Corsetto are made out of mutual non-sexual love.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again. It’s not love–you’re just scared she will eat you. With a kiddie-pool full of barbeque sauce.
But then, if you don’t have the IDWT shirts at Pittsburgh, I will personally feed you to DC, even if only to sate her hunger long enough for me to escape her ravaging appetite. Let us pray I do not get caught in her gravity.
Corsetto is going to kick you a$$ I only regret I can get to Pittsburgh to see it. Maybe we can get a repeat ad CGSSS.
Have fun in Pittsburgh.
You know, you should have shown up to the convention with a shaved head, just so you could scream at her, “See, your actions have consequences!”
Ah, the laughs.
Mostly aimed at you, but there would be laughs.
It probably does..
ok, I’m gonna break the mold here, and comment on the COMIC bit of the site. you know, the bit with the pictures. I like pictures. in fact, this is one of the few webcomics that has hooked me solely on the simple humor of it, rather than the impressive artwork. though I admit thinking up ways to represent gods as simple dots has to be mind taxing.