For those who didn’t see the earlier message – it said HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Now it’s time to get to work. I’m dedicating this year to making IHL bigger and better. If you pay attention to the blog (and you probably do, at least you are now..) I’ve been asking about how I can make In His Likeness bigger and better. That means increasing readership, increasing circulation around the tubes, and making sure the quality is what I like to believe it is.

After having a fantastic New Years with friends and family alike, it’s time to buckle down and get some work done. January 2nd… only 24 hours late for ‘The Beginning Of The Year’

First off, here is a call out to all webcomic writers and creators out there. You have little to no time if you want to get in on this, and I am in fact trying to pool my resources to be noticed by these guys (which translates to nominations..):

I would love if I could get all you wacky cats going and signing up to tell them how awesome I am, but (understandably so) the nominations procedures are for webcomics creators/artists/etc.

This is Strip #1 of what could be a huge year for IHL, and I’m glad you all are here for it with me.

With respect and love,