A shorter message today… mostly because I’m getting ready for the New York Anime Convention.

I’ll be there with one of my oldest friends Mara of Black As White and you should come say hello. You don’t have to BUY anything… it’s nice, but not an obligation.

So you all have a nice weekend, and we’ll see ya on Sunday. Oh, and Sunday’s strip might be late. As late as Monday… but since most of you guys don’t read the strip til Monday anyway, I don’t feel I’m doing anything too horrible. Those who read it on Sunday… well… hrm… call me and I’ll TELL you a comic strip. (Please don’t.)

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Cut & Paste this:
<a href="http://www.inhislikeness.com" border="0"><img src="http://www.voicetracts.com/calendar2007.jpg"></a>