Back from New York and boy are my… umm… tired.. nevermind.

I think I’ve made that joke before anyway.

Ok, so I’m back from New York. The show was… well… I’d hate to badmouth the show or the fans or any single aspect of anything ever. Just not my style, but the show was not IHL’s shining moment.

The show wasn’t exceptionally geared towards Anime fans, and the fans really weren’t buying up indy comic type stuff. People walked around having bought cute Domo action figures and swords, but not so much in the way of comics and stuff. It just wasn’t a perfect fit and these things happen. Maybe next year will be better.. it was this show’s first year and these things tend to take time to find their niche. That’s all the complaining I’m going to do. Out of all the negative, there was some good – I introduced myself to a BUNCH of Anime shows, so I might be adding KatsuCon to my list of shows as well as a few others that I won’t say until I’ve thrown some money out there.

For now, enjoy the week and I’ll see ya Wednesday.

UPDATE: Dummy me forgot to update the calendar last night.. will do it when I get home from work.

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