Happy Black Friday!!!!
I’ve come to realize that every single time I have a joke about a holiday or a quasi-holiday… I tend to be in the midst of a storyline. Oh well. That’s ok. Was just going to be the Devilettes shopping. You can imagine the hilarity.
Anyway, I’m not sure what else to say today. As you read this, I probably am buying Christmas presents. Dani and I have, for the last year or two, gone and shopped on Black Friday. It’s honestly not as bad as it sounds… and our theory is if we get 80% of the Christmas shopping done early, then we don’t have to stress about it on the 20th, like I used to do.
That having been said, as we are coming very close to the end of the Internet marriage storyline, I’d love to hear your thoughts as to how it’s gone. I personally think it’s the most balanced story I’ve done so far, but I’m the writer.. what do I know? Let me know!
Hope you all had a great Turkey Day. – J
*chokes* PWNys… Bwahaha! That’s awesome.
Definitely liking the entire marriage storyline. I love that Internet fell in love with a classic pinup, rather than some hooker on a porno site. 😀
I’ve been enjoying the marriage story line 🙂
hehe teh “pwn’ys” were pwnd.
XD thats awsome pwny’s…. bets nickname for them…ever..
and its a great story line i mean its funny the int3rn3t feel in love with picture thats original
Lovely, really lovely jajaja seriously.