So the longest 9 page IHL story comes to an end.

Thank you guys for sticking around. I don’t look at my analytics much, and I’ve been scared to after all my missed updates. I’m sure I lost some readers, and I hope they eventually find their way back – but it was nice to put an end to this tale. What’s kind of nuts about this is, I knew the ending to this story. It was this tight little package all bundled up and good to go in my head, but that life-block is some heavy shit sometimes.

Anyway, that’s not an excuse, just an apology.

But hey – we have more coming. IHL didn’t come back just to finish this up. There is another story on the horizon starting Weds… and during that, we are all going to have a serious talk about the future of the comic.

Also, over the next week, you’ll notice the sidebars changing. Click on the things that appear.. they’re also me stuff. 🙂 Podcasts and webcomics and writing and, hopefully, a new store (That’s one I’ve promised myself for years.. time to get busy with it, right?)

Ok – see you all Weds.

What did you think!