For those who aren’t paying attention, or only view the site from time to time – the last month I have been fraught with peril when it comes to WordPress exploits (that have thankfully been plugged) – but because of the downtime and the missed pages – and one other factor that I’ll get into in a moment, the site had some downtime. I felt bad. So lets take this opportunity and turn it into something uber-awesome.

The Dotwich Horror storyline is long. Very long. Why? Because it was originally intended to be a full length feature comic, but life got in the way. IHLU gives me the perfect opportunity to fix that mistake, and give you the story in an unadulterated and awesome form. Part of the issue is that the first 5 or so pages are… a little odd, as I’m sure you’ve noticed from above. So, to soften that blow, as well as to push out a little more of the story a little quicker – this week – you are getting FIVE UPDATES. MONDAY – FRIDAY! EVERY DOT DAMNED DAY! Then we resume our normal Sunday/Wednesday schedule.

ALSO! In the past, I’ve done Desktops to help push out the comic. It is very simple – since this is a fantastic starting point for people, PLEASE link them to today’s comic.. be it on a forum, in a comment box, on Reddit, on your Facebook, ANYWHERE. Then let me know here in the comments that you’ve done so. Make sure your email is in your comment box (or email me directly with where you spread the Dot-word) and I will respond to you by day’s end with a hi-res, 1440×900 size desktop. What desktop you ask.. oh.. this one:::

That’s right – Dot Daleks. Probably one of the most gorgeous desktops I’ve ever done, honestly.

