Good morning all – I wish you all well on this hurricane weekend.
I love when I can take a goofy little bit of knowledge and use it against my characters. I don’t know why I enjoy hurting their feelings so much… and eh, Devil never gets this sort of thing.
Actually, there were many fallen angels. For a pretty good fictional accounting, check out ‘To Reign In Hell’ by Steven Brust.
Wow. After a little research, I figured out the reference (“Morning Star” being another word for “Lucifer,” which refers to both the devil [a fallen angel] and the planet Venus at dawn.) Hmm… the Devil and Venus have an unexpected connection! I must draw romantic fanart.
As I recall, fully a third of the heavenly host joined Lucifer in rebellion. I guess Devil meant this had never happened before, ya know, lately.
If you really want to get into goofy knowledge, you can have Satan blame Jerome and Milton for the appellation, being as “Lucifer” first existed in the Jerome Bible and it was really Milton that popularized the idea that Satan was a fallen angel named Lucifer. No, seriously, “Satan = Lucifer” comes from a lax translation and BIBLICAL FANFICTION. (More amusing to note is that the only two references to the dawn star are first a chiding callout to the king of Tyre and second a reference to – drumroll, please – JESUS.)
For some reason there is a regular thread in IHL that the gods lie. Po with his kids, Devil with .. EVERYTHING .. it happens.
Milton? Really? Huh… might I add that I love how literate my readers are…
And don’t forget that Satan is a bureaucratic position, and does not even refer to a fallen angel until the New Testament. PillowCaseLaw mentions the rest of the story.
Uhhh Morning Star… awww…
I’ve never heard “Paradise Lost” described as “biblical fanfiction” before… I love it!