So this was supposed to go up on Christmas Eve morning – but with shopping and sharing a day off with the wife.. came in a bit late – but still under the wire.

First off, if you see this before 12/25 – Merry Christmas from IHL.

Even though the comic started in October or November, I tend to see Christmas as its traditional anniversary. That means that as of right now, IHL is 7 years old. Just old enough to date… ahem. Anyway, thank you all for the fantastic tidings you’ve given me this year. Between the conventions that I’ve done and the donation drive and everything in the middle – this has been a hugely successful year for me personally, and next year IHL will be hitting 1000. There are things in the works, but the fact that you guys are the reason I can give you this comic. It’s a big ol’ horrible vindictive cycle that way.

So, with that – a Merry Christmas to you all (or whatever your preferred holiday is) and a wish for the best to you and yours in one of my favorite times of the year.

Peace and Good Will Towards Dots,

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