Tis the season to be Dotty..
Falalalala – lala – la – la

Nothing much to say really – but I wanted to throw out a thank you to those that have posted the advent calender around. I was poking through my usage logs and went and checked out a couple livejournals, saw a few facebook posts that I wasn’t aware of, even a deviant art or two. (And one Myspace… Really!? I’m kind of amazed, actually)

So thanks folks, and honestly – if you want – let me know where you put it and I will HAPPILY pimp you in one of the next blogs. Add it into the comments, drop me an email.. whatever works for you.

Enjoy Friday all!

Direct link: http://www.mancer.net/ihl/advent10.jpg
To post on your favorite site:<a href=”http://www.inhislikeness.com”><img src=”http://www.mancer.net/ihl/advent10.jpg”></a>