To continue on with explaining things.. in the last strip:
Panel 1 – The Transformer’s Universal Greeting
Panel 2 – Dune
Panel 3 – The Day The Earth Stood Still
Panel 4 – The Last Starfighter

I know it wasn’t the most OBSCURE science fiction movie ever.. and it is one of my ultimate favorite films of ultimate favoriteness of all time. Props to whomever asked a few strips ago if the other Angelettes were going to make a come back. Yes. Yes they are. There’s something developing.. and I hope it leads to what I want it to lead to.. Sometimes that doesn’t happen though.

Anyway, this is strip #750, meaning I’m 75% of the way to strip 1000… that’s insane. I would leave a huge THANK YOU message, but I tend to do that every hundred, so even though 750 is a mile marker, it only gets a normal (if not touch extra) blog post.

Last post I asked if people would be interested in possibly buying a pre-order book. A bunch of you came out of the woodwork to say yes you would. Cat came up with a fantastic idea and I think I’m going to go with it. I’m currently awaiting seeing how BOOK ONE: CENTURION looks from my new printer. If it looks good, then BOOK TWO will be debuting at Wild Pig Con. Before then though, I’ll be doing an online pre-sale for it. There will be two ways to get it.. straight flat retail, or the special combo platter that is going to come with a bunch of extra freebies. More on that after I see how the new book looks. Cross your fingers.

BTW: If any of you are going to be at ICON on Long Island, please come out and see COSPLAY BURLESQUE making it’s 2nd appearance at the show. I’ll be hosting with DJ Nak, and it should be a damn good time.

Ok – that’s all I got today. Hope the reveal wasn’t disappointing. You guys REALLY didn’t want another new character.. did you!?