Sorry for the lateness. Late night.
Nothing really to say – just working a lot this week… getting ready to be a panelist over at PI-CON next weekend. If you are in the MASS. area – check the link and come hang out. I’m not going to have a table, but I am most DEFINITELY going to be doing panels and hanging out and enjoying myself. Plus, I’ll be co-interviewing (with the esteemed Jeff Mach) the webcomic powerhouse of JEFF ROWLAND of OVERCOMPENSATING and WIGU fame! Lemme know if you are coming out.
Also I want to say thanks to all of the new fans who have been leaving comments around the archive. Glad I’m part of your week.
Til later,
So much for omniscience. Heck, I could have predicted that.
w0t for cons in ..wait… MA has cons other than Anime Boston?? then why the hell did i spend all that money to go to Ctcon… wth… lol
Oh come on! Admit you missed being angry at the Devil!