Oh My F’n Dot.

It’s almost here. Two days away to the big 500. There is nothing in my life that I have done this long, creatively. I’m getting ready for a big post on strip 500 that is going to be a lot of thanking and hugging and kissing and things. For now though, I want to ask you all to do me a favor.

Getting to the 500th comic for someone is a pretty huge milestone. I know, milestones are what you make of em. I could just ignore it and keep going, but I think it’s pretty damned impressive that not only have I been doing this for well over 3.5 years – I’m still happy doing it. If I can get to 5000, I will.

So, if you want to consider it a congratulatory gift. Or you want to do something to say thanks. Or you are just feeling spicy and giving. Go and make a post somewhere about how IHL is hitting a mega-birthday.

I heart you guys so big. You’ll hear a lot more of that on Friday.
