Update: I spelt cerberus wrong. I suck. =P Unless he’s named after the aardvark… *sigh* Just ignore it, it’ll go away.
Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Nothing to say!
Nothing to say!
Nothing to say!
Get it.. I’m saying things three times!
Get it.. I’m saying things three times!
Get it.. I’m saying things three times!
cerebus = best thing ever!
hehehehe awww your Cerberus is cute!
You made Cerebus! <3
You rule!
He looks simply stunning.
Dude! Cerberus is supposed to be a three headed dog with three dog heads! Not two dog heads and a bunny head!
I KEED!!! I KEED!!! 🙂
Cerberus/Cerebus is awesome. I can see him being the star of much future swag.
Hmmmm..that one’d be a b*tch to make… 😉 LOL
Luv the Dog!!!!!
Mmmm nice dog I gues…
wow, cerberus head no. 3 has a cute spot over one eye. thats attention to detail right there.