Sunday Sunday Sunday..
If all goes well – the Pre-Order button will be up on Weds.
More later. Now.. further Sundaying.
Sunday Sunday Sunday..
If all goes well – the Pre-Order button will be up on Weds.
More later. Now.. further Sundaying.
Now that they’re dead, the zombies would be even better listeners!
Sweet! Can’t wait for Wednesday then 😀
Weds, eh:? Well, I’ll be on a plane to Jamaica, so the pre-ordering will have to wait until I return. =)
Aww…poor Chris… We’ll listen! =D
I mean, since we’re kinda reading the strip anyway…
Poor Chris never wins, even when he thwarts a zombocalypse. *sets time machine for Wednesday*
Zombocalypse? That’s a fun word to say out loud!
Well… he can always shoot something else…