Ohhh, I’m tired…

The last two days have been spent at Wicked Faire. I had an amazing amazing time. I got to meet friends that I’ve been talking to online for quite awhile, so a huge mega hello to Brenna & Jamie, Josh, Misty, and Georgie. I will even admit, the appearance of Chris was a request from this past weekend of, ‘Where is he.. he never appears enough’. So there you go! Chris’s triumphant reappearance.

I had a fantastic time. I will give the best summation I can without trying to sound too excited about the silliness that has transpired and the new website that was born from it. (Yes, a new website.. I’ll get to that in a minute)

I’ve done a few of these Wicked Faires before, and they aren’t your standard comic convention. They are a mix of cultures, subcultures, horror fans, rennfest types, and alternative lifestyles. One wouldn’t expect a webcomic would be the right thing there, but everyone is really accepting of all sorts of stuff. So there we were in the midsts of it all and I wasn’t expecting much due to some problems the show was having with the hotel. What the show turned out to be was one of the greatest times I’ve had at any of the Wicked events.

I made lots of sales of all the IHL swag, and made a bunch of new fans. Add to that, as we tend to, we threw some fantastic parties. That’s where things get very silly. You see, I don’t know how it started… I probably said something stupid. Either way, a friend of IHL’s was sitting in our party room wearing nothing but her skivvies. I had a sharpie and somehow ended up drawing on her butt. Whenever I doodle on someone (it happens sometimes), I tend to draw the Devil. One cheek got the Devil, the other got a God with a halo with INHISLIKENESS.COM on her stamp tramp area.

So now we have a walking nekkie billboard advertising IHL all night. Slowly but surely, other girls came to me and wondered how they could advertise….

This continued on for two days. Two days of me drawing on adorable girls. You people see what I do on a regular basis, right? Who knew it was the gateway to having fantastic people reveal their bodies to me with the intent for me to draw circles on them? I didn’t know either. Now, it would be wrong for me to talk about this without having something to show for it. If I was to just brag about all the ass I, quite literally, tagged this weekend… well, that would be mean. I was smart. I took photos with each girl’s permission.

So come Wednesday, a new IHL related blog will be born with a URL so it’s not clogging up the comic specifically, plus I’m sure not everyone wants to see pictures of girls bare flesh everywhere. I mean.. it’s not like you are on the internet or anything.

Be here Wednesday for the reveal of the website address (I have to install the software first.. so there you go) 😉

Keep safe,