Happy Sunday all,

I didn’t get a chance to let you guys know. Finally, Comics Now #1 has been published and sent out to comic stores around the country this past week. So, I hope that one or two of you got to see the first edition of IHL’s quasi-spin-off LIKENESS 101.

I will continue to be published in the future issues with new never before seen strips. Also, once I work out the fine print with the Comics Now folks, I’ll let you know where else they might be printed. (I’m thinking as extras in future compilation books)

So I’m officially a published comic writer! That’s neat.

Oh, and you might have noticed that the RSS FEED TEST and the CONSTRUCTION PICTURE and the stuff under the comic blog has disappeared. I’ve been considering doing a secondary blog underneath this one… maybe a review of other webcomics or something. What would YOU want to read from me other than IHL news and me gloating that I beat another deadline?

Til Weds, comment to let me know!