What does that mean? Very little in the grand scheme of things. Quick update for the Bridal Shower… there are still spots left! Not many! If you were hemming and hawing, it’s time to stop and send in a photo and you can be a part of the most interactive comic strip EVER CREATED!!!!!**
Back to working on websites and playing Portal… not in that order.
– J
(** James Hatton can not validate that strip #395 will be the most interactive strip ever, but it is most definitely the neatest idea he’s come up with this month… if that counts for anything)
Is internet working for comcast? 🙂
Nothing beats piracy! :O Bad internet!
Best of both worlds… pirate wedding. Or, wedding pirate. He sneaks into your reception hall and eats all the jordan almonds and cleans out the open bar. When he’s done molesting the bridesmaids, he loots the wedding gifts and sets fire to the honeymoon car.
It’s a helluva day at sea, sir!
Thank you Ali for that lovely image XD
Yay! I hope there was still a spot left for me!
The bridal shower is a great idea! 🙂
Come on guys!!!! This is a really nice storyline, don´t let the women be the only ones commenting!!!!
um… what should I say mike? that internet will look EXACTLY like god in a tux?