So I missed Sunday – that was because I was at Wicked Faire and not thinking with my right mind. I was, in fact, thinking straight with my liver. The little note to the right that says where I am stated that during Wicked Faire.. I would be drunk. I did not fail at that goal. You see, when I first started doing Wicked, I started as a vendor because of the owner of the con Mr. Mach. Mach said ‘Hey, I like that you are a local comic and I want to see you flourish.. so come to my little show of weirdness’. I did. I have yet to miss a Wicked since.

So thanks Wicked – now that I am part of your team of weirdos that bring weirdness to weird folks in weird situations – I look forward to you every year.. if only so I can get your patrons wasted.

Now to the next event to note – another man who is near and dear to my heart is Mr. Chris Eberle – former roommate – former comic shiller – and creator of the Wild Pig Comic Empire.

His next big thing is the Wild Pig SuperShow, done with a collaboration of the Comic Geek Speak boys. It seems that it is going to be my first comic show this year. Prior to that, in fact, two weeks prior to that, I’ll be putting together the Midway at the Steampunk World’s Faire. More on that in weeks to come.

Want me at your show – let me know! I’ll come. I’m awesome!