Hi everyone – short update today since it is Sunday.

I figured you guys should hear about how the donation drive is doing. For those unaware – there is a link right there at the top of the page that gets you to hear the whole sordid story. If you pre-order the previous four horsemen story, Lords of the Bit, you get a special cover and a bunch of other neat stuff. More importantly though, you get to help some family of mine that needs help.

To try and make this sound like the sweetest deal since Wonka, here is the cover that – I say this with gravity – WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE TO DONATORS – as done by Bryan Prindiville and Jamie Noguchi:

After this print run, I will be reverting to a standard ol’ Jamie cover… so go for theirs.. its totally sexier.

You should also know the donation drive is ending 7/31 – so you only have til Weds to throw in your $10 to receive instant awesome-karma.