A few years ago – I was on a panel with a bunch of webcomicker types.. I admittedly don’t remember anyone but Jennie ‘Devil’s Panties‘ Breeden on the panel, and it was the standard rigmarole about where your ideas come from and how you come up with stuff and the standard writery stuff. My method has never really changed. I come up with this awesome idea, and then it sits until I come up with another idea and that goes away and eventually that and a few other ideas merge together. It’s this Big Bang Brain thing that happens.

For example, early on in IHL, I knew I wanted to do the Horsemen. I couldn’t draw them though. I tried and tried and they didn’t fit. They just weren’t what I wanted. Then one night I was doodling and they appeared on my screen. It wasn’t until those two pieces fit.

I’ve wanted to do a Cthulu story since that panel with Jennie. I don’t know why or what came up during it, but I remember distinctly that there was a discussion about Cthulu and all I wanted to do from there on in was a Lovecraft story. These pages are, quite literally, 3+ years old. They’ve been edited, tweaked, modified, screwed with, and rewritten a half dozen times. Hell, it wasn’t until IHL-U that I figured out how to even END this storyline. It is just one of those cases where it took two completely separate ideas to swirl and circle and merge before it felt right.

Still interested in the Dot’tor Who Desktop? It’s available all week.. share this on some semblance of social media… let me know you did… receive Desktop.

See ya tomorrow!