Ok everyone – so for those who have joined IHL in the last year – there is a tradition. I love Christmas. It is my favorite in thing in the entire holiday spectrum. So many a moon ago, I started doing an IHL Advent Calendar. If you come by every day, you’ll see the picture unfold until Christmas Day!

In the past, I would give you guys the HTML code to post this on your website – but back then we were talking about Myspace and Livejournal, and it was actually EASIER to post up a picture like this! Most profile sites don’t let you put in Raw HTML, so.. I’m giving you the code – but I don’t know what you will do with it. Let me know where it ends up!


Put this code on your site to share the spirit::

<a href=”http://www.inhislikeness.com”><img src=”http://www.inhislikeness.com/images/advent13.jpg”></a>