Fun announcements.

Ok – first, were you aware that I did a podcast? I’m thinking I might put a lil player or something for people that want to listen to it on this site. At the very least a banner/button to remind people it exists. It is the brain child of myself and my friend Rob, and it’s called The SomethingSomethingCast.

Next – I have been invited back to MATSURICON! – so I will see you there. My convention season is starting to pack up.. more announcements coming soon (at the very least I’ll update my schedule thingy on the right). If there is a show you want to see me at, please let me and the convention know. Every year I seem to add a new state that I’ve never been to… so new places are always cool.

We’re just a couple pages from the end, but next is the ‘Takes me an annoyingly long time to do’ page.

See ya Weds!