Daedalus Descension – Pg. 16
So – I told you I’d wait to tell you stuff.. it’s been a comic and I’m still here.. so let’s start with one important thing.
I created something new. Now, this has nothing to do with my absence.. as a matter of fact, I started this project last year, forgot about it, and then in wanting to do something else – found it again.. and did all of the work for it in two nights.
Please – give it a look. It’s a thing I wrote and its introspective and sad and interesting and.. well, you’ll see.
The ‘So why did you abandon us’ part.
I didn’t. I swear. I abandoned EVERYTHING. I’ve been writing a novel (after finishing Fear Project) and the house and gaming and reading and.. I went into static overload. I seriously just stopped. I took a month off from being creative, and instead watched a shitton of tv, read a bunch of books, played some video games.. and just didn’t create.
The good of that is – I started after Ikasucon and its all I’ve done for the last week. The other good.. it took me a long time to get to a brain blowout. The bad – I disappointed some people and I lost track of some of my creative goals. I’m working on fixing that part. I also lost time.. and that’s never good.
But I’m back. Proven by this comic, and proven more by Weds.
XOXO – Let me know what you think of One Pixel.. please.
A novel you say? I can’t wait!
I’m not sure how to describe my reaction to ‘One Pixel’. I’m pretty sure I liked it, but I couldn’t say way. It’s very tightly written. It’s definitely ‘Hatton style’, a comic with effective minimalist art, and a story driven by semi-combative dialog that reveals the characters’ traits. I give it an 8.
One thing it did do was make me aware of the slightly less red square at the bottom of this page, just above ‘Comic Press’.
Very interesting. It’s a bit more cerebral than IHL, without losing any of the simplicity. Personally, I like it, it makes one think more about what’s going on, focusing more on the characters than what else is going on with the page.