HI! Ok – we have a lot to talk about here at the ol’ IHL. First – meet Odin. Odin… the guys.

Jamie, are you crazy enough to introduce a new character if there is only 15 or so strips left.. allegedly?
Yes. Yes I am. Because IHL is NOT ending. Not entirely, anyway.

Didn’t you do SugoiCon this weekend?
I did! I had an amazing f’n time. I sold out of books. I disappointed fans who wanted BOOK 3. I did an amazing panel talking about what happens after strip 1000! I was guest at a Brony panel with the talented Josh Grelle and my darlin’ wife… yes, those words came out of my mouth.

So, what did you say during the 1000th comic panel?
I said IHL wouldn’t be ending… ….entirely.

Fine. IHL will be hitting strip 1001 on or around December 11th. It is at that point that I hopefully will have wrapped up most major plotlines. The doors will close for a couple of weeks and on December 25th, IHLU will be born.

IHL-U? Is this a new website?
Nah.. same website. Just the name of the comic will be changing from IN HIS LIKENESS to IN HIS LIKENESS UNIVERSE, which is a bit of a nod towards the JLA cartoons, but it really is a big change in direction for the comic. The update schedule will be shifting, and most important the FORMAT will be changing. IN HIS LIKENESS IS GOING FULL PAGE, BITCHES

Because I have beaten the 4 panels into submission. I have really decimated them in the only way I can. I’ve changed their shape, I’ve blown them up, I’ve had things invade from outside the sides.. I really feel that I, for now, have grown past the 4 panel gag. With full pages, I’ll be able to tell larger stories…

What kind of stories?
IHL-U is not going to be primarily about the standard old IHL characters you have come to know and love. It is going to be mythological stories. Greek, Roman, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, etc etc.. it will be Fractured Fairy Tales, but with mythology, Dot-Style.

What about non-mythos characters like 1nt3rn3t, Rita, the Devilettes, Zeke?
I promise you, they will find their ways into the stories. I promise you. I would not abandon these characters that I have invested so much love and time into. Plus, there will be room in there for me to tell the occasional 4 panel gag if one springs to mind. I’ll be working on that in the near future, but right now my primary focus is the December deadline.

Christmas? Really?
It is 3-fold. 1 – Its a gift to you guys, you’ll get the first 6 – 8 page story arc on Christmas. Then we start the one page a week schedule. 2 – Its a gift to me, because I really am excited about this project. 3 – Few probably realize this, but INHISLIKENESS.COM debuted on Christmas. So it seems poetic to me.

OK – LET THE FLAME WAR BEGIN! Please let me know what you think.. comments, facebook it, or email me. I really want to know.

I love you all,