And another milestone… 900… wow. So, I’m taking a break. If you are still interested, there are spots still open for guest week, be you creator or fan.. just send it on down and it’ll go up with a thank you and a mention of whatever you want plugged.
Let me just say that every 100 or so comics I kinda have to look back at what I’ve done and I have to say that at this point I’m so happy with the comic that I’ve amassed. I mean look at all those guys up there. Those are the ones I don’t even use that much, and they all are pretty interesting characters!
That having been said – since the last megastone, I got married and had one of the oddballiest years of my life – but the future is looking very bright for dotboy over here, and I want to thank all of you that have been with me, be it from strip 1 or just getting to the end of the archive for the first time… thanks.
I’ll be posting blogs, but I figured you guys would enjoy a cliffhanger for a change. Also, I don’t know if the HTML works for everyone, but if it doesn’t – while you are looking at the page, you should be hearing Flight of the Valkyries.
Much love – always.
This… Is fantastic.
I can’t wait.
PS: This strip is my new desktop.
Fan Fucking Tastic. Having the song is brilliant. Now I have to ask though…who the hell is the barrel?? I can not remember for the life of me.
<3<3 that is amazing
Soak – check out the Character Bios page (link at the top). Should tell you all you need to know.
Not that I’m doing Jamie’s job for him.
Anubis is basically a whistle, isn’t he?
for the love of dot… this is amazing – really loving it 🙂
it kinda of freaked me out in the beginning, because I couldn’t see the page only heard teh music … but now it works ^^ great job
damn, i read it first in Google reader, so no Crowning Music of Awesome for my first viewing of it >_<
This is amazing. And as a nerd who did a very long and irritating paper on translations of Wagner, it’s even *more* amazing. <3 Just plain wow.
so much awesomeness. so much awesomeness ^.^ congrats on reaching 900!!!
Nicely done, bro.
This strip is what keeps awesome awesome.
Dammit Jamie! I think I see a new tattoo in my future! LOL. I like the Devil w/ Baron’s face, but I can’t remember what part of the strip he’s from. Pity you can’t tag them like on FB so the names appear when you roll over them with your mouse. And who’s the 1/2 skull 1/2 blond devil? Is that one from the Idol Idol contest? Also…Yay Pan! 😉
Hah that was awesome! “Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit!”
this song brings back memories.
Freaking amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo Epic…
Guess you don´t cancell everything without pissing off some Gods..