Ok – I said it – I meant it – 5 days this week!

Monday – Friday! All IHL! All the time!

And the Tron Desktop should be done by Weds or Thurs.

It is Fan Appreciation Week here at IHL. So you guys are getting as much IHL as I can throw at ya!

In other news – The wife and I got back from Anime USA on Sunday. The Burlesque Troupe had an awesome time, and I do believe that is the end of my convention season this year. I’m so happy for that. Sugoi is my favorite con of the year, so as IHL’s last show – it makes the year feel awesome. Anime USA was a great way to end Cosplay Burlyq for the year (And it might not even be the last show.. its just the last one I remember.)

So now its time to go back to work. I have at least 3 things that I’m working on that are IHL related that need some precious time, including BOOK 3: TO BE NAMED and a couple other things I hope to be able to talk about soon.

For now, enjoy the week of comics. It is a thank you for those that have stuck around all these years, and the apology for those times I tend to miss an update.

G’nite all