Ok – so I got books printed and ready for Sugoi. I’m working on a couple websites for people. My new movie review site is going swimmingly (title might be NSFW). I’m working on a proposal for a new possible book.. All is moving as smoothly as I can expect at the butt end of convention season. Then out of nowhere I get not one – but TWO emails from friends!
The first one was from a very old friend (one of my oldest) who was bored and sought inspiration in her buddy Jamie’s webcomic. So out of nowhere I get an email from her telling me that she might do more. So you tell me what you think and I’ll make sure she gets the message. Heeeeere’s Ash’s FAMINE!
Click for bigger
The second comes from recent Super Art Fighter and friend in his own right, none other than Hello With Cheese’s original artist, Bryan ‘Silent But Deadly’ Prindiville! He’s been trying out new art styles.. and it seems one of them is drawing circles and giving them horns! Thanks Bry!
Click for bigger
Thanks guys – its awesome to be thought of! =)
hey there,
I’m really digging the art work of your friends (so to answer the question: yes please, more of them ^^)
and yet again, great strip 🙂
O_O Lucy’s gonna get smushed! NOES! :O
*Attempts to reach in through the 4th wall to save Lucy*
(it would still be termed the fourth wall, right?)
Actually, I believe it would be termed the third wall, as depth does not seem to factor into play.
Atleast not all that often.
Unless you count Po’s Bubbleness.
The Devilletes fixing the comic… Am I the only one that thinks something is not quite right in there?