Ok – time is drawing close and I haven’t posted it on my list of places to be, but you should most definitely be heading to ANIME NEXT in two weeks in NJ.

I’ll be hosting the COSPLAY BURLESQUE: POKEMON EDITION. It is going to be the strangest party that CPB has ever thrown.

Oh! And I haven’t mentioned in the blog, but remember those other webcomics I used to do.. Silver Rage and Nowhere Fast? My old partner in crime Bill Ellis is now doing a comic ALL NEW ISSUES featuring the old Silver Rage crew that you might remember and/or love.

Head off to the strip and tell him that his old buddy Jamie sent ya. It’ll mess with his mind.

Lastly, a note on this strip. I try not to overuse the Devilettes, and most definitely Lucy. She is clearly a favorite of many of my fans, so it is easy to want to use her all the time. Sometimes though, storylines kind of build themselves organically, and when I did the Memorial Day strip.. all of this came tumbling out.

Hope you enjoy Pink Lucy. I smell variant editions…