This is my post WildPig Post, so I guess I should talk about the WildPig 2010 show!

The entire list of guests is over at THE WILDPIG SITE so you can see all the people I was hanging with. I had an awesome time as always, and I can’t wait to see the pics of the Super Art Fight – and I’ll post up pics of my ArtFight posterboards that I bought eventually.

Chris and his posse deserve tons of praise for what they pulled off. For the first time a show was going off, it went off with little to no hitches, which is amazing!

That leads me to the reception of the new book! It was fantastic. I sold TONS of Book 1! Note, the new Book was Book 2… so the key lesson learned here is that having a Book 2 makes people REALLY want Book 1. That’s ok, there were a lot of new and old friends that wanted to try out IHL, or at least support me. Both are perfectly ok.

Lastly to the comic. I have to give a hifive shout out to long time IHL supporter and friend Georgie who was hanging around when I did the comic (she requested watching me do an IHL comic) and fixed the wording of the punchline. Forevermore she can know that the last panel of strip #773 is funnier because of her.

See ya Friday!