Hey we’re at the AIRPLANE number… 727… just ignore me.

The facebook fanpage is doing fantastically, better than I really expected it to. That means that most of you are just shameless addicts to social networking – and that’s ok – I just want you to be aware of it. If you haven’t joined up the Facebook page – here’s the link: CLICK HERE.

So now I have to talk briefly about a webcomic show that is coming up. My good friend Chris of Wildpig Comics is closing down his store. This is… bad. I could go into how it’s a reflection of the state of the comic book industry, distribution method, and how even the best of us out there have a chance that lingers somewhere between NOT and LUCKY. I could do all those things and have before, but the fact is this is both a time of celebration and sorrow. Wild Pig Comics is closing, but not all hope is lost. He is starting Wild Pig Con. Maybe it will only be a one year affair. If we’re lucky, Chris will be doing this for years to come.

I’ll be posting the flyer and all the important information as it comes, but trust me – if you are a comic fan, you don’t want to miss the sale. Chris spares no expense on selling his shit cheap. If you are a webcomic fan – trust me, there is going to be an artist you want to see there. Already scheduled are ME! Corsetto from Girls With Slingshots, Gallaher from High Moon, the boys of Super Art Fight, =AND MANY MORE!= not to mention names are still coming in from the world of paper/pen comics. (None of whom I want to say in case I’m wrong ;))

So yeah – Wild Pig Con – 05/15 & 05/16 – Holiday Inn – Springfield, NJ

I’m done shilling for friends.. time to go do shilling for me.