Happy New Years everyone,

Ok – so I promised a full huge update and today’s the day. First, I want to thank you all for sticking with me this past year. It’s been a bit hard on me as far as IHL goes. I needed to do some battery recharging for the first time ever, and I also wasn’t as dedicated to it as I should have been. It’s had a few missed days more than I’ve wanted, and a lot more late days than I’ve ever had. That’s being wholly and completely addressed. I want that stuff to a minimum this year.

This past year though I grew a lot on getting back on my feet. New apartment. Some great business connections. This upcoming year I’m dedicating to all things creative. At the top of the list is In His Likeness as both a webcomic and a creative identity. I want to finish all of those projects I began this past year… and then there is the other project. As I’m sure many are aware of, there is a program called the Nanowrimo – where you dedicate to write something like 50k words in a month. I’ve decided to motivate myself exponentially more. Thus, Half-Million.Com I’ve promised myself that as a New Years Resolution – I’m going to write 500k this year. That’s roughly 2.5 novels.

So please give it a check out, I’m sure I’ll be talking about IHL over there, so who knows what’s going to come out of my mouth, but I want you all to know that you all make me want to do this and push myself. Thanks for your support over the years, and if I disappointed you at all this past year, I’m going to do my best to fix it.

Happy New Year,