Heya – we’re getting to the last few strips of the year.
I’ll be writing a fairly large write up about the past year of IHL, but I’m also making a glorified announcement.
The week of January 3rd through January 10th will be a full update week. That’s 8 days of updates. Why? Because I feel bad that I’ve been slagging on missing days and updates are late.. so expect a whole week of strips as my ‘Sorry’
Plus, if I do that more often.. maybe even once every 3 months or so.. I’ll get up to a 5 day a week schedule. How cool would THAT be?
Anyway, if we don’t talk, a happy holiday to you.
<a href=’http://www.inhislikeness.com’><img src=’http://www.inhislikeness.com/filedepot/advent09.jpg’></a>
I think Lucy is missing a “with” somewhere in the last panel.
Fixed – tanks. =)
i thought i was the one that pointed out typos
Nah, but we of the ‘Other Place’ do kinda have a monopoly on it.
I. Love. Lucy. 🙂
Clever girl… love her.