Happy Friday everyone.

Ok, somethign special is coming on Friday. It’s not going to be replacing the strip, it’s going to be here in the blog spot, but at Sugoicon, I had a panel with the creators of Back On Earth! where we allowed the fans to come up with a comic with us. It originally was going to appear over on BOE! but… what started as ‘Creating a comic’ turned into a panel we termed ‘Godzilla Buttsex’. I’m not explaining how.. hell, I can’t explain how.

Anyway, since the panel and ensuing comic ended up a little… errr.. rude? They asked whether it could appear on my site, and not theirs. They apparently have “integrity”. So when you see a weird furry comic in the blog on Sunday.. now you know why!

Oh! And please remember to add a comment if you spread around the advent calendar! I wanna give you guys some credit for helping spread the holiday wealth.

<a href=’http://www.inhislikeness.com’><img src=’http://www.inhislikeness.com/filedepot/advent09.jpg’></a>