And Verily Thor appears…
It was a two part set-up joke to give Heimdall his moment in the sun (or snow).
Hope you guys are enjoying the Norse pantheon. I’ve wanted to do them for awhile, and I honestly loved the idea of them all just being the same guy with different color hats and various little details. I’d like to think of them as the Smurfs… but I needed a reason, and then Ragnarok hit me, and an idea to parody fighting games, etc etc. I think you see where I’m at.
Enjoying? Either way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
I love your comic, I just wanted to comment to point out the actual Norse Thor is a red head, as opposed to the Marvel Thor, who’s blonde.
The pieces of natural Thorium
that one purchases at the emporium
are collected abroad
by a Norwegian god
who uses a hammer to quarry ’em.
(When I was young and stupid enough to think it was a good idea to write a limerick for every element on the Periodic Table, the limerick about thorium was one of the few that did not completely suck. I attribute that to the divine influence of the thunder god himself. Thank you for giving him a moment in the spotlight.)
1) The irony of this strip is that even when not in the Snow Fields I can’t see Heimdall’s feet. Because, mainly, he doesn’t actually have any feet. Genius, sir.
2) If you’re going for the Smurfs, you absolutely have to make Odin blue with a white helmet and white beard. He’d be a great Papa Smurf.
3) Is Fenris the Norse equivalent of Azrael the Cat then?
4) By introducing the Norse pantheon, you now have no excuse but to bring in a lady god like Gaea (who’s clearly going to look like a globe).
With Mjolnir at your side… you do realize you donĀ“t have it, right?