I can only assume this lag on my side will go away when I’m done moving in.
I can only hope. I’m not forgetting IHL, I just tend to feel there aren’t enough hours in the day.
No, I’m not stopping the comic either, but I think I just have to stop apologizing so much. I AM sorry and annoyed at myself for the lags… I just have to punch myself to get better at it.
So there ya go. No more apologies. I think the best way to fix it is to give you guys something MORE as soon as my personal life lag clears up. Probably a week or so of strips when I go to Kentucky for SugoiCon.
Well, here’s something that will make the comicky girls out there go ‘AWWW’ – you should go check out my friend Lauren’s new product BLANK-EES – tell her I sentcha. 😉
Batterface! LOLZ!
awww Lucy batterface. That’s so cute!
Sir, you are sick! I love your work but you are atill sick! Don’t change, please.
Lucy and Zeke are just awesomeness incarnate. Lucy should be given her own country. Or at least an island state. Isle of Lucy. Sounds familiar for some reason…….
Batterface…. awww