Hmmmm… nothing to say. Sorry for that.
I will probably have a big announcement as to where I’ll be heading soon. It might be a certain show I’ve done before. It might be one of my favorite shows of the year. It might even be in Kentucky!
Hmmmm… nothing to say. Sorry for that.
I will probably have a big announcement as to where I’ll be heading soon. It might be a certain show I’ve done before. It might be one of my favorite shows of the year. It might even be in Kentucky!
F***ing epic! Perfect way to wrap it up.
Yay for announcements! This strip was executed perfectly. I loved it. good job hun. 🙂
Spelling error, first panel. I think you mean ‘grateful’. 😉 Very nice otherwise!
Of course that unsaid convention may have announced you as a guest last month or so… without ever actually sending you an invite. Heh.
And thus we come full ‘circle’…
The two devils thing was mucho confusing. Is it better the devil we know, or the devil we don’t? How to decide…..
Oh, and you should do this more. Give each of the characters a chance at hosting the strip. I can’t wait to see Posideon doing “In His LochNess”.
The one and only!