Dun dun DUNNNN!!!
Let the speculation begin.
Again – anyone in the Springfield, MA area can find me this weekend doing some panel work over at PI-CON!! I’ll also be drinking and waxing poetic about whether District 9 was epic or not. (Note: It was)
See you guys Friday with … ya know.. a comic.
Uh Oh…. I’m frightened for whatever it is that the devil is planning….
That said I cannot wait for friday… 666 will surely be epic… Sorry I dissapered for the week, but I have my own angelette (And not like zeke… More like Raph) living in my house….
I’ve been waging war with her… But she is pretty much gone.
Anyway… I’m pumped for the next strip… It’s too early/late and I’m running on too little sleep to speculate anything other than Devil going back to strip one and mucking things up from then on.
Noooooo! You cannot take my Firefox from me! Damn you, Devil, with your evil inclinations!
If firefox was never invented, does that mean there was more incentive for Google to finish Chrome?
While Firefox outstrips IE on my list of terrible Web browsers, I do have to give it props for being the biggest reason for Microsoft to give a shit about improving IE.
Speculate or hit the “next” button… that´s the dilemma…