Sunday – July 5th – the day where our forefathers woke up and said ‘Holy shit.. what happened last night!??!’

So aside from telling you people about GeekerDome, I want to tell you something that will probably appear in the DVD LIKE COMMENTARY of the resyndicated IHL over at the aforementioned website.

IHL #15 is a comic strip with a problem. It has a spelling error. I put ‘alot’ instead of ‘a lot’. I’ve received numerous emails and comments and things about this strip over the last 5 years. I haven’t changed it and never will. Why? Because it was a mistake made FIVE YEARS AGO… I tend to believe that if I make a mistake and I catch it in the first week… it’s questionably fixable for posterity. An error I made when the strip was being done in PHOTOSHOP is NOT fixable. It’s part of the mythology at this point.

#15 isn’t the ONLY strip with a mistake… it’s just the one I hear the most about. Like the damn near ‘hatemail’ comment I got on it today which just said ‘Give up’. Yep… I’m gonna give up right after strip #15…. this whole thing is over at strip #20. It’s a failed experiment. Oh wait. I’VE DONE 600+ MORE OF THE F’n THINGS SINCE THEN!?!? It baffles the mind.

I wonder if Jennie over at Devil’s Panties gets people emailing her spelling errors from her first hundred strips?

Maybe I just need a binkie and a juicebox.