It’s Fudgie Week!
What is Fudgie Week? An idea spawned by myself and Bree of Sex, Drugs, and June Cleaver at the first Webcomic Meet-Up! Similar to explosion week.. you should be paying attention to your favorite webcomics for Fudgie The Whale! That rascal might appear anywhere!
Next order of business…. isitfunnytoday.com – If you aren’t on that site.. go to it and vote for me. I’m not even pandering at this point. I’m demanding. Go to your favorite locales where comics are important and tell them that inhislikeness.com fucking rocks… or at least is nominally amusing. I DECREE IT MUST BE SO!
And a message to ROSSCOTT of THE SYSTEM (My personal favorite new comic of the last year or so) – CONGRATS ON STRIP #200!
Enough demanding and pandering… off to go enjoy a Friday.
I had to explain the Fudgie thing to my wife. Oh, silly Canadians. 😉
Thanks, Hatton, now our secret little tradition here in NJ is going to go global. Good one, nice bit of bean spilling there, pal.
OK, for those of you that don’t get it here’s how the fun happens:
1) Find a place that does Fudgie the Whale cakes or something very eerily similar.
2) Get a Fudgie cake for someone that’s having a birthday and have them decorate it with something that will tempt the person behind the counter to either call 911 or take more ritalin.
3) Give it to the person having a birthday and see if they get the joke.
Examples of real Fudgie Cake write ups:
1) (For a guy that prided himself on his porn star sized manhood) Mine’s bigger, Love Fudgie.
2) (When we made the mistake of sending out her recently made ex-boyfriend to get her cake) We all hope you get the HIV and die, Love Fudgie.
3) (One that was given to me and caused the person behind the counter to almost quit) Congratulations on making parole this time, Love Fudgie.
4) (The one that did make the person behind the counter quit) Way to beat that murder rap even though we know you did it, Love Fudgie.
I’m sure the more intelligent members of the audience will get the pattern and be able to create their own from here.
Sorry, a little further clarification – by “them” in “and have them decorate it” I mean the poor schmuck that’s behind the counter in the ice cream shop.