It’s Fudgie Week!

What is Fudgie Week? An idea spawned by myself and Bree of Sex, Drugs, and June Cleaver at the first Webcomic Meet-Up! Similar to explosion week.. you should be paying attention to your favorite webcomics for Fudgie The Whale! That rascal might appear anywhere!

Next order of business…. – If you aren’t on that site.. go to it and vote for me. I’m not even pandering at this point. I’m demanding. Go to your favorite locales where comics are important and tell them that fucking rocks… or at least is nominally amusing. I DECREE IT MUST BE SO!

And a message to ROSSCOTT of THE SYSTEM (My personal favorite new comic of the last year or so) – CONGRATS ON STRIP #200!

Enough demanding and pandering… off to go enjoy a Friday.