Do you know what makes me feel good?

When I was putting this strip together, I had NO idea what Zack Efron looked like. I just knew my niece thought he was cool.

That makes me happy….

Anyway, I’ve been off my game as of late as far as responding to people. I’ll fix that, promise. I’m currently detoxing off of caffeine, which is a crazy idea, but it’s necessary at the moment. Trust me. As soon as I finish up the new book, I’ll be moving back into focusing on the website and my other projects (Such as Rorschach!).

Also, remember a few months ago we had ‘EXPLOSION WEEK’? Something special of a similar nature might be happening next week. I’m not going to reveal too much, but it involves ice cream. Ice Cream Week!?!? Nope.. better.

Finally, and I’ll be reposting this for the Wednesday blog, it is official.. after having a contest to get a tattoo on myself of my own characters – someone AGAIN did it before me! So please without further adieu.. the next person on the ‘IHL-INKED’ posse – HANNAH!