Morning all….
Got back from Wicked Faire. I think it was the battery recharge I needed. We’ll see. I’ve been having a helluva few weeks trying to get my brain in order. As I’m sure you’ve noticed with the latenesses and things. I’m trying to fight back on that, as I will NEVER become one of those ‘eventually he updates’ guys.
So thanks for caring and being here. I think with Guest Week coming I’ll be able to finish the new IHL book and produce the other items that I want to get out for this summer season.
Keep your fingers crossed and keep emailing in those strips!
I have the infamous Wicked Hang-Over… *dies*
Onoes! I missed you! I was vending chocolate roses and polymer clay devil horns at the Rosa Luna table in room D. Did you have a table or were you just there for fun?
I was talking to another fan of yours who was hanging out near our table. He had on a black IHL shirt, a kilt, and black patent leather f*ck me pumps. He was a 6 + foot tall, long blond haired vision of beauty,LOL.
HAHAHAHA it looks kind of fun though
Hey, a bouncy castle of the damned is still a bouncy castle, isn’t it?
Luna, that would be me… unless I had a doppelganger there that weekend.
In many relationships it is. XD
mild resentment is love.