Doing this strip made me laugh. That happens sometimes…

So, Sunday there is VERY little to speak of from NYCC. It was just a day. Hung out with peeps. Said good-bye to NYCC. Had some lunch. Slept.

So there is my update on NYCC.


Thoughts on today’s strip?

UPDATE: I’ll write this in Friday’s blog too (Skipping one day for the 5 day attack) – The Japanese is random phrases.ย  It’s the equivalent of trying to talk in spanish when all you know is ‘DONDE ESTA LA BIBLIOTECA’ (Where is the library?).ย  The only thing that is supposed to ring true is the ‘Hi.ย  My name is God’ from panel #1 which is supposed to be a callback from strip #1.ย  Sorry to confuse yall. ๐Ÿ˜‰