That’s it, it’s all over… the contest has ended!

First let me thank everyone for dealing with the time lapses on my part. I admit to have set a far reaching goal of remembering to do things. I’m occasionally not so bright when it comes to remembering things. I admit it.

Second, thank you for everyone who participated in the contest. For thinking of creative ways to play with my characters. For trying different angles. When it came down to it, there were 6 or so final contenders. That includes considering what would look good. What I wouldn’t mind branded on my body for the rest of my life. Etc. So that immediately removes all you smartasses that said ‘Put God on your forehead.’

First, an honorable mention to Todd of Killjoy Comics for such NEAT designs. His Tree of Life design might have won if not for a matter of the size I would feel it would need to be to be displayed properly.

The winner’s circle – and again – the final decision came down to the one that I thought would be most aestetically pleasing ON MY BODY.
Because of how fantastic the designs were, I’m saying there is a two way tie for third place. Both will receive two IHL comics that they don’t have.
Jamie for his ANIMATED FEATURE approach which you can find Here.
Tom for his God of Gods idea.. the only entry that featured my standard bandana which made me giggle to no end. Found Here

Now between 2nd and 1st, I had to fight long and hard to figure out which I’d want. It really came down to a long term idea about which tattoo would still even LOOK good in 15 to 20 years. Yeah.. I take tattooing myself kinda serious.
The winner of the IHL: CENTURION & A BUTTON PRIZE PACKAGE goes to Laura with the Four Horsemen spiral found HERE.

This is a newer entry, but when I saw it.. I knew it was in immediate contention. If you’ve been paying attention to the tattoo page, you probably haven’t seen it as it was one of the last entries I received. So without further adieu… the winner of the IHL BIG PRIZE of EVERYTHING SO FAR goes to Cat with her tribal IHL design found right here:

Thank you guys for caring and trying.. and after I get back from Otakon, I’m going to have something new planned for more new IHL stuff. I’m working out the details now, but I think you guys will like it.

All the winners – expect an email soon.

Love you all – and hope to see you at Otakon.