Another post – another lack of any work done on the site. This summer is just ROLLLLLLIN by. Tomorrow ( you read this) – I’ll be dedicating at least two hours to IHL work. I’ll put on the rest of the TV boxset I’m currently on. (By the time you are reading this, probably Six Feet Under) and getting myself to task.

Especially now that I have Balticon and Totally Normal Event out of the way. I have July to be free. No events in July. That’s fantastic. Not to say I don’t want to go to more conventions. I do, but a few week break will be nice before Connecticon in August and the CGS Supershow.

So what did I do instead of update IHL… I’ll admit it. I saw Wall-E and it might be Pixar’s best work to date, not to mention that it could be the movie of the summer.

Night night kids – oh, and be honest – how does the ‘OUTSIDE THE COMIC’ explosion look? I know those of you seeing it on the LJ Feed and other syndicates, the effect is lost on you, but go to the site real quick and see how it looks. I think it’s kinda dynamic.

Kisses and whatnots.