What’s up kiddos – it’s a Sunday update so I don’t have a lot to say.

For those who happened to go to ANIME NEXT – I hope you went to the burlesque show – and I hoped it rocked you off your ass. I want to thank Val for the invite to host the event, and hopefully will get a chance to do it again. It was a friggin blast.

I have one or two more tattoo entries that will be uploaded before the Weds. update – and also this week I really want to do an update on my LINKS. There are so many new fans and friends I’ve made since I last adjusted the links that I need to say thanks to a lot of people.

And that’s aside from the whole self-congratulating 500th post that is going to read like War and Frigging Peace.

Ok – off to do laundry… lazy Sunday work it is.