Heya kids,

I promised the Tattoo Contest update – and it is coming – I’ve been working diligently on getting all the entries together. Now’s just a good a time as any as to put together NEW entries and send them to inhislikeness@gmail.com.

This weekend, I’ll be moving into a new house, so Sunday update might be a bit late. No promises on that, I might just have it up in time, but I’m doing my best to get everything done AND get ready for Balticon. Dig Sci-Fi… Dig Webcomics.. Dig Me? BE IN BALTIMORE =D

As a note – anyone who pre-ordered a t-shirt and have yet to receive it, please drop me an email or comment here so we can rectify the situation. They’ve all been sent out. The only people I know have not received them are the folks that live within a square 5 miles of me. Funny, no?

Talk to you soon,