Mmmmm I was told no one commented because the service wasn´t active until strip 250… well this is #328 and I´m still feeling lonely, but… I will find the comments in this commic, someday, I know I will!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, jajajaja suck that Devil.
you are no longer lonely mike. I am here to comfort you… c’mere…. ok, not that close.
@paracelsus I sincerely hope you’re only calling him over to see if he will wander into melee range …
(yes, I made an AD&D reference and called Mike a troll, for those who wonder)
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Mmmmm I was told no one commented because the service wasn´t active until strip 250… well this is #328 and I´m still feeling lonely, but… I will find the comments in this commic, someday, I know I will!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, jajajaja suck that Devil.
you are no longer lonely mike. I am here to comfort you… c’mere…. ok, not that close.
@paracelsus I sincerely hope you’re only calling him over to see if he will wander into melee range …
(yes, I made an AD&D reference and called Mike a troll, for those who wonder)